Otter River
Spring 1995 – FOLK members look at reported erosion due to poor road and logging practices on DNR Forest land in the Otter River watershed.
October 1997 – presentation to the NRC documenting these abuses with photographs and locations.
December 1997 – attend DNR Baraga Area open house compartment review. No timber sale lines redrawn.
July 1998 – another presentation to the NRC in Calumet to relay our frustrations in trying to protect the Otter River watershed.
October 1998 – FOLK led DNR managers and NRC members on field trip into the Otter River Watershed.
1999 – Sturgeon/Otter River Watershed Council Established.
2008 – Approval of the RWA (Rapid Watershed Assessment) grant for a current sedimentation study (for more information, see June 2008 newsletter)
2012 – Paddle down Otter River to Otter Lake highlights flora, delta, watershed problems. See article in Fall 2012 UPEC Newsletter.